南通東方船用(yòng)設備制造有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司地處黃金水道,長(cháng)江入海口,沿海開放城市--江蘇省啓東市,與國(guó)際大都市上海隔江相望,通訊,交通,生活極為(wèi)便利。南通東方船用(yòng)設備制造有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司,占地面積15000平方米,花(huā)園式工(gōng)作(zuò)環境,擁有(yǒu)現代化廠房和綜合辦(bàn)公(gōng)大樓。公(gōng)司成立十多(duō)年來,全體(tǐ)員工(gōng)本着誠信、活力、創新(xīn)的宗旨、不斷開拓取,将公(gōng)司發展為(wèi)擁有(yǒu)完整的現代管理(lǐ)體(tǐ)制及技(jì )術隊伍,是船舶設備制造行業的骨幹企業。公(gōng)司生産(chǎn)的船用(yòng)設備曾配套于出口到德(dé)國(guó),美國(guó)等地的具(jù)有(yǒu)高技(jì )術性能(néng)的船舶,例如集裝(zhuāng)箱船、多(duō)用(yòng)途船及大型油船上,産(chǎn)品銷售于上海、大連、渤海、廣州、武漢等中(zhōng)國(guó)的各大造船廠,公(gōng)司采用(yòng)現代設計方式,進行産(chǎn)品獨立設計及與船舶設計院、研究所緊密協作(zuò)進行産(chǎn)品設計與開發。公(gōng)司主要生産(chǎn)的船用(yòng)設備:主機缸套水預熱單元,熱井模塊,遙控氣動快關閥控制置,壓縮空氣減壓閥單元,海水濾器,油濾器,空氣濾器,消音器,泥箱等船用(yòng)産(chǎn)品。上述産(chǎn)品經中(zhōng)國(guó)船級社(CCS),德(dé)國(guó)勞埃德(dé)船級社(GL),法國(guó)船級社(BV),挪威船級社(DNV)等船級社的檢驗認可(kě),公(gōng)司已通過IS09001 國(guó)際質(zhì)量體(tǐ)系認證。公(gōng)司經營宗旨:“質(zhì)量優良,價格公(gōng)道,交貨及時,服務(wù)真誠”。歡迎廣大客戶以各種形式的長(cháng)期合作(zuò)。 Nantong Oriental Marine Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in the golden waterway, the Yangtze River estuary, the coastal open city - Qidong City, Jiangsu Province, and the international metropolis Shanghai across the river, communication, transportation, life is very convenient. Nantong Oriental Marine Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. covers an area of 15,000 square meters and has a garden-like working environment with modern factory
buildings and comprehensive office buildings. Since its establishment more than ten years ago, the company has been developing and developing into a complete modern management system and technical team based on the tenet of integrity, vitality and innovation. It is the backbone enterprise of the ship equipment manufacturing industry. The company's marine equipment has been exported to ships with high technical performance in Germany, the United States and other places, such as container ships, multi-purpose ships and large oil tankers. The products are sold in major shipyards in China such as Shanghai, Dalian, Bohai, Guangzhou and Wuhan. The company adopts a modern design approach to product independent design and close collaboration with ship design institutes and research institutes for product design and development. The company mainly produces marine equipment: main cylinder liner water preheating unit, hot well module, remote pneumatic quick closing valve control, compressed air pressure reducing valve unit, sea water filter, oil filter, air filter, silencer, mud box, etc. product. The above products have been inspected and approved by China Classification Society (CCS), German Lloyd's Register (GL), French Bureau of Shipping (BV), and the Norwegian Classification Society (DNV). The company has passed IS09001 international quality system certification. The company's business objectives: "excellent quality, fair prices, prompt delivery, and sincere service." Welcome customers to cooperate in various forms for a long time.